Apply for a Schools Scholarship

Up to 6 new Beacon Scholarships for Schools are available each new academic year at Beacon Partner Schools. Applicants must be Nominated by their current School Head and gain an offer of admission to a Beacon Partner School.

Beacon Scholarships are only available to students who are nationals of, and ordinarily resident in either KENYA, UGANDA, TANZANIA or ZAMBIA.

Please read carefully the Eligibility Criteria and all other requirements before registering.  There is strong competition for these scholarships, and shortlisted candidates will be required to attend an interview, and a leadership assessment workshop with other candidates.


1. Eligibility Criteria

  • National of, and ordinarily resident in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda or Zambia
  • Proven record of academic excellence: grades should be in the top decile (10%) of performance in an applicant's year group
  • Achievement in Sport, Music, or Drama
  • Social Influence and Communication: holding positions of responsibility, demonstrating confidence and leadership among peers
  • Citizenship: hands-on evidence of community service and involvement
  • Other factors include:
    • Candidates must be 13-18 years of age
    • English proficiency
    • Financial need - see below
    • Potential to contribute fully to school life
    • Intention to return home to a leadership role, possibly after some time working in an international environment
    • Changemaker: demonstrating capacity to lead and ‘take people with them now’
    • Commitment to make a contribution to the development of their home country


2. Financial Need - Disclosure Requirements

  • Parents/Guardians/Sponsors must demonstrate financial need and undertake full and complete financial disclosure with verified documents to qualify for The Beacon Scholarship for Schools. 
  • Parents/Guardians/Sponsors with an annual gross household income above US$80k are unlikely to qualify.
  • The scholarship covers two-thirds of tuition fees (and boarding fees where applicable) for a Beacon Scholar, excluding any extras. 
  • It is aimed at Parents/Guardians/Sponsors who can demonstrate financial need but are able to fund at least one third of the tuition fees (and boarding where applicable).  Families unable to fund their annual one third share of fees should not apply. Please research fee levels of Beacon Partner Schools.
  • Parents/Guardians/Sponsors are expected to cover additional costs such as the payment of any school deposits and levies, school clothes, transport and extras such as school excursions and extra-curricular activities (eg music lessons).
  • Award recipients must open an an Education Fund bank account and maintain a minimum balance of the 1/3 parental share of fees for the first year. 
  • For subsequent years, parents must pre-pay to the Beacon Partner School the 1/3 parental share of fees for the next academic year from the Education Fund account prior to 20 June. Evidence of the Pre-payment will be submitted as part of The Beacon Scholarship Continuation Application each year. 


3. Process/Timetable

  1. Candidates register on The Beacon Scholarship website, download a Nomination Form and forward it to their School Head;
  2. Beacon reviews the Nomination and issues an Application Form to suitable candidates;
  3. Beacon reviews Application Forms and shortlists candidates to be invited for interview and assessment;
  4. Parents of shortlisted candidates are invited to submit a Financial Disclosure form;
  5. A Beacon School invites the applicant for interview and assessment;
  6. A decision is made on whether or not a Beacon Scholarship is to be awarded;
  7. An Award Letter is sent by Beacon to the candidate and their Parents/Guardians/Sponsors;
  8. An Award Acceptance Form is completed by Parents/Guardians/Sponsors;
  9. A fee deposit is paid by Parents/Guardians/Sponsors to the Beacon School;
  10. A Mentor is assigned to the Beacon Scholar by the School.  

Indicative Process Timeline - Schools Scholarship

2025 Schools Timeline 297 x 210 mm


4. Register to Access Nomination Form

PLEASE NOTE: a Nomination is not a full application. Once a Nomination Form is received for a candidate there will be a review of their suitability for a Beacon Scholarship for Schools. If they are deemed to be suitable, candidates will then be invited to complete a full Application Form.

Candidates are strongly advised to click here for availability of Beacon Scholarship places at Beacon Partner Schools before applying. No Beacon School can have more than 3 Beacon Scholars enrolled at any given time.

Please note Opening Date for Nominations. Nominations and Applications received after the Closing Date will be considered for the next academic year.


Register to download a Nomination Form