Apply for a University Scholarship

Up to 6 new Beacon Scholarships for University for a 3-4 year undergraduate degree are available each new academic year, spread across 7 Beacon Partner Universities. Funding is not available for International Foundation Year courses. Candidates must be Nominated by their current School Head and once they have obtained an offer of admission to their choice of university, eligible candidates will be invited to apply for a Beacon Scholarship for University.

Note: Beacon Scholarships are only available to students from KENYA, UGANDA, TANZANIA and ZAMBIA.

Please read carefully the Eligibility Criteria and all other requirements before registering (Note: study for a course of Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Sciences is excluded). There is strong competition for these scholarships, and shortlisted candidates will be required to attend an interview, and a leadership assessment workshop with other candidates.

1. Eligibility Criteria

To begin the process of application, a candidate must first register and download: a Nomination Form which must be completed by the Head of their current secondary school; and, an Eligibility Assessment Form which must be completed by the candidate and their family, and sent to Beacon when offers from Beacon Partner Universities are received. The Nomination Form requires an endorsement that the candidate has strong academic and leadership potential, is a 'Changemaker', and has the capability for successful completion of an undergraduate programme of study at a world-class university.

When the candidate has received an offer for entry into a Beacon Partner University, they should send evidence of all offers, and their completed Eligibility Assessment Form, to Beacon; upon satisfactory receipt of these documents, eligible candidates will be sent a full Beacon Scholarship Application Form and later, if appropriate, a Financial Disclosure Form.

Applications are then evaluated by the Beacon Equity Trust for evidence of leadership potential using the following criteria:

(a) Academic Excellence

Applicants must obtain an offer of a place in at least one university participating in The Beacon Scholarship for University programme. Grade requirements for entry into Beacon Partner Universities are high, and vary by course. Successful university entry is contingent on obtaining the required grades in the university offer. As a general guide, predicted or actual grades should be the minimum required for a candidate's chosen course of study at their first choice university.

(b) Achievement in Sport, Music or Drama

An applicant must demonstrate that they are more than just an active participant in sport, music or drama, with some formal level of proficiency or accreditation.

(c) Social Influence and Communication

The applicant must have held a position of responsibility in their school, or failing that provide some evidence of confidence amongst peers. They will be expected to undergo an interview which will give an indication of their aptitude and personality traits, and to participate in practical assessment exercises to establish their ability to form and develop relationships among peers.

(d) Citizenship

An applicant must show through examples that they have helped those less fortunate than themselves, or have done work in the community, and are seen as role models. Unselfishness, kindness and concern for others are key criteria for The Beacon Scholarship and Scholars will be required to show continuing evidence of their efforts in these areas.

(e) 'Changemaker'

Applicants will also need to demonstrate, with examples, that they are a 'Changemaker', ie that:

  1. They have the capacity to 'take people with them' and
  2. They are already making a difference now, not at some future point in time.

(f) Other Factors

In addition to the above, other factors to be taken into account include:

  • Capacity to study independently overseas (which necessarily involves consideration of the applicant's competence in English)
  • The applicant must be a national of, and ordinarily resident in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, or Zambia
  • Financial need - see below
  • The likely contribution of the candidate to all areas of university life
  • Demonstrate an intention to return to their home country in a leadership position, if possible after gaining international experience in their chosen field
  • Commitment to make a contribution to the development of their home country

PLEASE NOTE: a Nomination is not a full application. Once a Nomination Form is received for a candidate there will be a review of their suitability for a Beacon Scholarship for University. If they are deemed to be suitable, candidates will then be invited to complete a full Application Form.


2. Financial Need - Disclosure Requirements

In order for a candidate to qualify for The Beacon Scholarship for University, they and their Parents/Guardians/Sponsors must demonstrate financial need and undertake full and complete financial disclosure.

Parents/Guardians/Sponsors must be committed both financially and educationally for their child to complete an undergraduate degree as a Beacon Scholar.  An award of The Beacon Scholarship for University is for two thirds of the total of: tuition fees, maintenance costs, plus an annual fixed allowance for compulsory surcharges and one return economy airfare to the Scholar’s home country only. The Beacon Scholarship is aimed at Parents/Guardians/Sponsors who can demonstrate financial need but are able to fund at least one third of total costs. The Parent/Guardian/Sponsor share is expected to be in the region of £12-15k (US$15-20k) a year. Families unable to fund their annual one third share of total costs should not apply. Please research fee levels and maintenance costs of specific courses at Beacon Partner Universities.

PLEASE NOTE: It is unlikely that Parents/Guardians/Sponsors with an annual gross household income above US$100k will qualify.

Parents/Guardians/Sponsors will be required to complete a confidential Financial Disclosure form (see below) once an application has been reviewed. The Financial Disclosure form must be accompanied by electronic scans, in pdf or jpeg format, of the following documents and sent by email to The Beacon Equity Trust:

  • the most recent 6 months' payslips for each candidate and their Parent/Guardian/Sponsor;
  • letter from each Parent/Guardian/Sponsor's employer verifying their annual income;
  • tax returns for the last 2 years for each Parent/Guardian/Sponsor;
  • if self-employed, financial statements verified by an accountant.

PLEASE NOTE: failure to submit the above-mentioned documents or to complete the Financial Disclosure form in full may lead to the instant disqualification of the applicant.

On receipt of the Financial Disclosure form and accompanying documents the Beacon Equity Trust will review the suitability of the application. Supplementary information may then be requested.

In addition candidates and Parents/Guardians/Sponsors will be required to:

  1. Complete a Financial Disclosure form whenever required by The Beacon Equity Trust.
  2. Disclose any material change in financial circumstances to The Beacon Equity Trust. Should financial circumstances improve significantly, there may be some re-negotiation of the proportion of fees paid by Parents/Guardians/Sponsors.
  3. Give one full term's notice to The Beacon Equity Trust should the candidate change their mind about continuing as a Beacon Scholar.
  4. An award of The Beacon Scholarship for University is for two thirds of the total of: tuition fees, maintenance costs, plus an annual fixed allowance for compulsory surcharges and one return economy airfare to the Scholar’s home country only. Candidates and their parents are expected to cover the remaining one third plus additional costs for items such as extra airfares, clothing and other transport.
  5. Sign and comply with an Award Condition requiring opening an Education Fund bank account to be used for the future education costs for the candidate.
  6. In the first year of the Scholarship, the Education Fund bank account should contain a minimum balance in it, by 30 June preceding commencement of the Award, of one third of the total of: tuition fees, maintenance costs, plus an annual fixed allowance for compulsory surcharges and one return economy airfare to the Scholar’s home country.
  7. For the second year of the Award onwards, Pre-pay to the Beacon Partner University the 1/3 parental/sponsor share for the next academic year from the Education Fund account prior to 30 June. Evidence of the Pre-payment will be submitted as part of The Beacon Scholarship Continuation Application each year.


3. Process/Timetable

  1. Candidate registers on The Beacon Scholarship website and downloads a Nomination Form, to be completed as soon as possible by Head of the candidate's current school; also downloaded at this time: Eligibility Assessment Form, to be completed by candidate & returned to Beacon when first offer from Beacon Partner University is received;
  2. Candidate meanwhile completes UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) application, plus any separate funding application that may be required by a university offering The Beacon Scholarship;
  3. University interview, if required (December);
  4. University makes an offer of admission to the candidate (January-April); candidate sends copy of offers to Beacon along with completed Eligibility Assessment Form;
  5. Beacon invites eligible offer-holding candidates to complete full Beacon Scholarship Application Form and Financial Disclosure (January-mid April);
  6. Shortlisted candidates invited for Beacon interview and assessment (late March);
  7. Beacon and Beacon Partner University jointly decide whether or not a Beacon Scholarship is to be awarded (April);
  8. An Award Letter is sent by Beacon to the successful candidate (by end April);
  9. Candidate and their parents accept the Award and its Terms and Conditions by completing the Award Acceptance Form (end April);
  10. A UK visa is obtained by the successful candidate (August/September);
  11. A UK Mentor is assigned to the Beacon Scholar (November-December).


Indicative Process Timeline - University Scholarship

2024 Indicative Timeline   unis


4. Register to Access Nomination Form & Eligibility Assessment Form

Candidates are strongly advised to click here for availability of Beacon Scholarship places at Beacon Partner Universities before applying. 

PLEASE NOTE: Key Dates for Nominations. Nominations and Applications received after the Closing Date will be considered for the next academic year.