Khalid Walid

Khalid Large19 years old, attending the University of Birmingham, UK. Khalid was awarded a Beacon Scholarship for University in May 2023.

Khalid is studying towards a BSc in Human Neuroscience. He has developed an excellent study routine, resulting in strong first year module results. As a member of the Peer Assistance scheme, Khalid gains valuable academic support from older students, as well as attending impactful essay writing tutorials. He has completed a Python coding course and an intensive week-long business competition.

Khalid is dedicated to a range of co-curricular activities. Swimming remains his passion and he represents the University Swim Team in the BUCS League and maintains his fitness by playing football in the Campus League. He is an active member of the University Chess team, practising regularly with higher ranked players to improve his game.

Keen to widen his network, Khalid belongs to a variety of societies, reflecting his interests. Helping lead Discover Islam Week has enabled him to engage with a diverse group of people, practise his public speaking and grow in confidence.

Khalid volunteers with two charities in Birmingham, playing a vital role in the lives of homeless people - both practically by delivering food and in the time he gives. This is a testament to his empathy and his desire to make a difference - a key value of the Beacon Scholarship. He also tutors local Science IGCSE students voluntarily.


Beacon Workshop Participation 

Khalid shows confidence at Leadership Workshops. He is a good team player who always injects warmth and an appropriate level of humour.


Khalid's 2024 Summer Beacon Citizenship Project was a joint project focused on supporting the boys of Kwetu Home of Peace, a homeless shelter in Nairobi, Kenya. He renovated the library, and introduced specific KCPE textbooks and educational co-curricular activities to create a better learning environment to contribute to their overall growth and future prospects.