Malcom Kazimil

2021 Malcolm large

20 years old, from Tanzania, attending the University of Bristol, UK. Malcom was awarded a Beacon Scholarship for University in May 2023, and a Beacon Scholarship for Schools in 2019.

Malcom is studying towards a BEng in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Prior to that he attended St Constantine’s International School, Arusha, Tanzania, achieving A*AB at A-level. He took a gap year, during which he remained a Beacon Scholar, participating in all Beacon activities; and also held an internship in the marketing dept of METL.

A keen sportsman, Malcom was the athletics Team Captain at school and won many athletics finals. He’s also a keen touch rugby and football player. During his gap year, he represented Tanzania in the East African regional athletic competitions and reached the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Malcom is always extremely active in many different arenas: at school, he was Head of Boarding and supported and mentored his fellow boarders in a variety of ways. In his gap year, he has acted as a cohort representative for TanSAO, set up a new alumni movement at his former school and led a seminar for 600 young people.

Malcom has a long tradition of citizenship and social engagement: he was Head of the Service Council at school, and during his gap year he pioneered the work of Golden Summer Family to enrich the lives of children with cancer. He has also been involved in a skills development programme for young offenders, and acts as a Sunday School Teacher at his church.


Beacon Workshop Participation

For his 2023 Summer Beacon Citizenship Project, Malcolm co-ordinated and oversaw the provision of a high-quality educational environment for children at Tumaini La Maisha Dar Es Salaam and also at Msasani Primary school.

In Leadership Workshops, Malcolm engages actively and always has a positive attitude which can be infectious. He considers his teams' strengths and takes the lead naturally, noticing if there are issues.