Kushaan Raja

Kushaan large 202416 years old, attending St Constantine’s International School, Arusha, Tanzania. Kushaan was awarded a Beacon Scholarship in May 2023.

Kushaan is a successful learner achieving mostly As and Bs. A proactive and conscientious student, he has been committed to self-improvement through goal setting and maintaining a rigorous and ambitious study plan. He has been commended this year for his achievements in English, Physics and Mathematics.

Kushaan shows commitment to team sports, in particular basketball and rugby and represents his school for basketball. Kushaan plays the keyboard at school events and is learning the Tabla. He is currently embarking on his first flight school with a view to becoming a pilot in the future.

As Head of the school Environmental Council, and using his passion for public speaking, Kushaan works hard to improve the school environment with initiatives such as reducing the use of plastic bottles and ensuring proper recycling of school waste. He has led some rugby coaching and teaches chess basics to younger players.

Kushaan has started his Citizenship journey by participating in a Lions Club team which organised a community Blood Drive. He is also involved in a monthly food drive ensuring children in the community are fed.


Beacon Workshop Participation

In Leadership Workshops, Kushaan comes well prepared, showing a positive attitude and engaging well with peers. He works hard to apply course content and asks relevant questions to gain clarity.

Kushaan's 2024 Summer Beacon Citizenship Project focused on helping secondary schools in Tanzania to provide their students with the skills and knowledge to create their own CVs, to support their future career prospects.