Nicole Mgomella

Nicole Large17 years old, attending International School of Tanganyika, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Nicole was awarded a Beacon Scholarship in June 2021.

Nicole is a diligent IB student and demonstrates sound content knowledge and understanding in all her subjects. She is an active learner in class and understands the importance of asking questions to clarify knowledge. She has got into the habit of practising example questions from past papers, to support preparation for her final IB Diploma assessments.

Nicole enjoys trying new co-curricular activities, and this year has participated in school drama productions and musical events; played tennis with the school team and continued practising her Tae Kwon Do.

Nicole has developed a strong personal profile for herself: she is proud to be a leader at her church Sunday School, organising activities for the children. She has also led the school Arts Committee, been involved MC-ing events and creating a photo booth feature as part of International Day. As an executive member of the Student Council, she uses her leadership position to encourage others to get involved in school events.

Nicole likes to use her skills and hobbies as part of her Citizenship activities: she has been active using her skills in arts and crafts - notably crochet - to make products to sell, to raise funds for a nearby hospital. She also gets involved with school bake sales.


Beacon Workshop Participation

In Leadership Workshops, Nicole has grown tremendously in confidence, and in turn the impact she has at these events has also multiplied. She uses her strong creative skills to great effect in group activities.

Nicole’s 2023 Summer Beacon Citizenship Project was about developing an entrepeneurial spirit in women and developing her 'crochet for profit' project.