Davida Ruharo

2023 Davida large20 years old, from Uganda, attending Cardiff University, UK. Davida was awarded a Beacon Scholarship in June 2022.

Davida is studying towards a BSc in Biological Sciences. She is a dedicated student, achieving high marks across all modules in her first year, equivalent overall to a First. Careful management of deadlines and diligent study skills allow her time to read around her subject and engage with STEM podcasts. She is already focusing on developing her employability.

Davida enjoys playing volleyball, regularly attends Kickboxing lessons, and writes scripts for short animations. She sings with the Worship Group weekly and is looking to join their official choir in her second year.

Davida is an active Student Representative for her course, liaising between the student body and faculty and taking part in student/staff panels. She also leads Shadow Module meetings of a study group that grew from 50 to 115 members during the year. In these roles, Davida facilitates discussions and addresses practical and academic challenges.

Davida’s Citizenship activities include her role as a 'Debate Mate' mentor, supporting her mentees’ confidence and ability to argue a case. Davida also contributes posts and resources for 'Girls Against Oppression' and 'Dirisa' web pages.


Beacon Workshop Participation

Davida’s 2023 Summer Beacon Citizenship Project was about developing agricultural skills amongst disadvantaged children in Uganda, fostering sustainable development and combatting climate-induced food insecurity.

In Leadership Workshops, Davida employs a range of strategies to support her wider development. She can think on her feet and happily takes on leadership roles within the group.